Gérald Engelvin

1972, Versailles (France)


Gérald Engelvin .A painter of interiors 

“There, nothing but order and beauty dwell, abundance, calm and sensuous delight…” wrote Baudelaire. And this verse immediately comes to mind when we stand in front of one of Gerald Engelvin’s paintings. True serenity radiates. We cannot go past them, we feel irresistibly summoned and willingly drawn into reverie. We are literally struck by beauty while holding on to our freedom. Somehow there is something there that is already known to us, something we recognised from deep inside us. We are being told a story but can make up our own, digging into past memories. We invite ourselves into a world where we are expected. In front of these young beautiful girls, one reading a book, another one lost in her thoughts or in her dreams, time seems suspended and our gaze becomes soothing and dreamy. 

When we deal with art, we always face two dimensions. Our reality and the world we are taken into by the artist. There is no trompe l’œil with Gerald Engelvin. All is order and harmonious architecture. His space becomes our space. A wall becomes the wall of our own abode. Beyond poetry and feminine grace, lies a definite mystery. Youth does not last, nostalgia is already within reach. The peace is only disturbed by the sheer movement of a head, by the book left aside, by the ruffling of a dress. The palette is soft and delicate, the style elegant. The staging of these family scenes suggest melancholy and nostalgia, a sense of loss not unlike some still lives that show us the passing of time.

Sleek greyish rooms, long corridors, grand staircase, high ceilings, timeless parquet floors and octogonal white and black tiles, antique chaises longues, Persian rugs, the variation of faded colours, the backdrop of the family scenes, evoke the intimacy and softness of the Flemish masters. Nothing is obvious, everything is suggested, an invitation to a world of innocence, yearning and daydream." 

About Gérald Engelvin

Gerald Engelvin was born in Versailles, France in 1972. He studied Engineering and Chemistry in school and is a self taught painter. In 1998, he registered himself as a professional painter in France and has been making a name for himself ever since. His greatest influences are Hopper, Fantin-Latour, Balthus, Picasso, Chardin and Vermeer. He began as a still life painter. Today, he is known for his poetic children portraits and interiors. Engelvin’s paintings are painted with an elegance and  style that is unique. There is a timelessness and stillness about them and they capture the innocence and beauty of childhood. He has exhibited  in the US (New York city, Houston, Philadelphia), in Europe (Luxembourg, England, Switzerland, Belgium, France) and in Asia (Japon)


Artistic resume and press

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Exposition personnelle  à la galerie Anagama (Versailles)


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Exposition personnelle  à la galerie Portal (St Jean de Luz)


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Exposition personnelle à la galerie Russell (Londres)

Salon AAF LONDON HAMPSTEAD avec la galerie Russell

Exposition personnelle à Lyon galerie Artclub

Salon SFEER a Gand (Belgique) avec la galerie Downtoart 

Salon Art up Lille 2019 du 27/02 au 03/03 avec la galerie Downtoart


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Christmas show 2018 à la Gallery Russell-Londres

Salon AAF LONDON BATTERSEA AUTUMN  avec la galerie Russell

Salon AAF LONDON HAMSTEAD  avec la galerie Russell

Expositions collectives à la galerie Artcatto (Algarve, Portugal) et à la galerie Downtoart (Gand,Belgique)

Summer show à la galerie Russell (Londres)

Exposition collective à Paris (galerie Artclub)


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Christmas show 2017 à la Gallery Russell (London)

Salon AAF London Battersea Autumn 2017 avec la galerie Russell

Exposition personnelle à la galerie Frederic et Catherine Portal

Salon AAF Bristol 2017 avec la galerie Russell

RetrospectiVe 1997-2017 à Luynes-37), la Grange

Summer show galerie Russell (Londres)

Exposition collective à la galerie Raugraff (Nancy)

Hampstead art fair  et Chelsea art fair avec la galerie Russell (Londres)

Exposition personnelle à la galerie L’oeil du prince (Paris)

Exposition personnelle à la Galerie Veronese



Expositions personnelles Galerie L’oeil du Prince (Paris) , Galerie Wilson (Dijon)



Exposition personnelle  à la galerie Portal (St Jean de Luz)



Exposition personnelle  à la galerie Nolan-Rankin (Houston, USA)



Expositions personnelles Goldcenter (Luxembourg), Galerie Léadouze (Cannes), Galerie Adekat, Japon



New-York Artexpo avec la galerie Arnot



Expositions personnelles Galerie Le Lourec (Luxembourg), Galerie Léadouze (Cannes)



Expositions personnelles Galerie Léadouze (Paris avenue Matignon), galerie Au temps qui passe (Génolier, Suisse

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